Thursday, January 11, 2007

Basic terms related to biosensors

1. molecule
an aggregate of two or more atoms in a define arrangement held together by covalent chemical bonds. Chemical substances are not infinitely divisible inot smaller fractions of the same substance: a molecule is generally considered the smallest particle of a pure substance that still retains its composition and chemical properties.

2. particle (입자)
this can refer to (1) molecule (2) atom (3) electron (4) photon (5) proton..

3. ionization
the physical process of conerting an atom or molecule into an ion by changing the difference between the number of protons and electrons
(Atoms ususlly have zero net charge, since the electrons and protons balance. If they don't, the object is called an "ion".)

4. analyte (검출 대상물질)
substance or chemical constituent that is undergoing analysis
(It is substance being measured in analytical procedure)

5. reagent (시약)
any substance used in a chemical reaction
(It is usually implies a chemical that is added in order to bring about the chemical change)

6. assay (분석 시험하다, 시금하다)
a procedure where the concentration of a component part of a mixture of determined

7. covalent bond
an intramolecular form of chemical bonding chracterize by the sharing of one of more pairs of electrons between two components, producting a mutual attraction that holds the resultant molecule together

8. enzyme (효소)
one of bioreceptors
an enzyme is capable of recognizging a specific target molecule . Typically used in biosensors as a bioreceptors. Examples of other bioreceptors are antibodies, nuclesis acid, and receptors.

9. catalyze (촉매 작용을 하다, 촉진시키다)
소량 첨가로 속도가 느린 어떤 특정한 화학반응 속도를 증가 시키는 물질
반응전후에 촉매 그 자체는 변하지 않으며, 반응의 평행에도 영향을 주지 않는다.
catalyzer (촉매)
catalysis (촉매작용) - the acceleration of a chemical reaction by means of a substance, called a catalysis, that is itself not consumed by the overall reaction

10. anabolism (동화작용, 물질 합성대사)
the metabolic process that builds larger molecules from smaller ones. Anabolic processes tend toward "building up" organs and tissues. These processes produce growth and differentiation of cells and increase in body size, a process that involves sysnthesis of complex molecules.
(small molecules --> building blocks of our body (e.g., protein))
- 생물체가 간단한 물질에서 화학적으로 복잡한 물질을 합성하는 과정

11. catabolism (이화작용)
- 생물체가 화학적으로 복잡한 물질을 간단한 물질로 분해하는 과정
(food --> small molecule)

12. metabolism (물질대사)= anabolism + catabolism
- 생체내에서 진행되는 물질의 분해와 합성과 관련한 화학변화의 총칭
- 물질 교대, 신진대사 또는 단순히 대사라고도 한다

13. luminescence (발광)
- cold light emission
- a process by which light is produced other than by heating
- 종류
1) photo-luminescence (fluorescence, phosphorescence)
2) electro-luminescence
3) chemical-luminescence
4) radio-luminescence
5) thermal-luminescence
(Note) photo-luminescence: chemical substarate absorbs and then re-emits a photon of light

14. spectroscopy
- 분광학
- 스펙트럼을 추구하는 분야

15. fluorometry = fluorescence spectrocopy
a type of electromagnetic spectroscopy used for analyzing fluorescent spectra
(반대말: absorption spectrscopy)

16. fluorescence
- a luminescence that is mostly found as an optical phenomenon in cold boides, in which the molecular absorption of a photon triggers the emission of another photon with a longer wavelength. The energy difference between the absobed and emitted photons ends up as molecular vibrations or heat. Usually the absorbed photon is in the ultraviolet range, and the emitted light is in the visible range, but this depends on the absorbance curve and stroke shift of the particular fluorophore.
- 형광 (높은 에너지 상태의 물질이 낮은 에너지 상태로 되돌아 갈때 전자전이(transition)에 의해 방출되는 빛 또는 그와 같은 발광현상

17. fluorophore (analogy to a chromophore)
- a compound of a molecule which causes a molecule to be fluorescent
It is a functional group in a molecule which will absorb energy of a specific wavelength and re-emit energy at a different (but eually specific) wavelength. The amount and wavelegth of the emitted energy depend on both fluorophore and the chemical environment of the fluorophore.

18. phorsphorescence (인광)
- Unlike fluorescence, a phosphorescent material does not immediately discharge the radiation it absorbs
- 상당히 오랜시간 발광

19. phosphor (인광체)
a substance that exhibits the phenomenon of phosphorescence (sustained glowing without further stimulus)

20. Difference between phosphorescence and fluorescence
- The major difference in the two processes is the decay time of the emitted light fluorescence in fast (of the order of milliseconds) the phosphorescence is slow (of the order of seconds to minutes or even hours). Fluoresence and phosphorescence describe two different ways that an electron can behave in a molecule. They start the same way: a molecule absorbs light, and an electron gets excited to a higher energy level. If the electron drops straight back down to where it started from without undergoing any spin changes (this excited state is called "singlet state"), then you have fluorescence. The electron emits energy in the form of a photon (light) on its way back down. In constrast, when an electron gets excited and its spin does flip (this is called "triple" state), it takes much longer for it to release the energy and come back down to the ground electronic state. This is phosphorescence. Things that phosphorescence "glow" for much longer because the excited electrons take so much longer to come back down to their inintial energies.

21. incandescence (백열광, 고온발광)

22. bioluminescence (생물발광)
- the production and emission of light by a living organism as the result of a chemical reaction during which chemical energy is converted into light
- It is generated by an enzyme-catalyzed chemoluminescence reaction, wherein the pigment luciferin is oxidized by the enzyme luciferase

23. luciferin
- 개똥벌레(firefly) 체내의 발광물질
- a generic name for "light-emitting pigments" found in organisms capable of bioluminescence, like fireflies, deep-sea fish, and microbes (미생물)

24. luciferase (발광효소)
- a generic name for enzymes commonly used in nature for bioluminescence

25. gene expression
- the process by which a gene's DNA sequence is converted into the structures and functions of a cell
- the cellular process by which genetic information flows from gene to messenger RNA (mRNA) to protein

26. Microarray (=biochip, DNA chip, gene chip)
- an ordered array of microscopic elements on a planar substrate tha tallows the specific binding of genes or gene products
- a small analytical device that allows genomic exploration with speed and precision unprecedented in the history of biology. Glass chip contating tens of thousands genes are used to examine fluorescent sampels prepared by labdeling messenger RNA (mRNA) from cells, tissues, and other biological sources. Molecules in the fluorescent sample react with cognate sequences on the chip, causing each spot to glow with an intensity proportional to the activity of the expressed gene. The enormous capacity of these miniature devices allows the analysis of the entire human genome in a single experiment.

27. transcription
- first step in gene expression in which messenger RNA is synthesized from a DNA template

28. Hybridization
- the chemical process by whcih two complementary DNA or RNA strands zipper up to form a double-stranded molecule

29. positive control
- a microaray element or substrate that provides a readable signal, irrespective of the results obtained from the experimental component of the assay
- a reactant that cuases a known effect when applied to a cluster of test organisms

30. negative control (=scientific control)
- a microarray elements or substrate that provides little or no readable signal, irrespective of the results obtained from the experimental component of the assay

31. life cycle
- Experimental cycle of microarray analysis that contains the five components of biological question, sample reparation, biochemical reaction, detection, and data analysis and modeling

32. chlorophyll (엽록소)

33. microbe (미생물, 세균)

(Overview about bio-technology)

(Fundamentals of molecular biology)

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